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Vladimir Petković (COM) | Ralf Rangnick (COM) | |||||||||
0' | Kick off |
9' | It's a foul. Free kick to Austria. LAIMER strikes the free kick low and hard. GOAL!! - It's well placed and beats the keeper. |
14' | BENRAHMA passes to AOUAR. AOUAR strikes one at goal. STANKOVIĆ tips the ball to safety. |
17' | BENNACER plays the ball to GOUIRI. GOUIRI tries to slot one under the keeper. STANKOVIĆ narrows the angle well and manages to save. |
33' | Marko ARNAUTOVIC plays the ball to Xaver SCHLAGER. SCHLAGER manages to get a shot in. The ball is just out of reach for OUKIDJA but it goes just wide. |
42' | MAHREZ plays the ball to BENNACER. BENNACER hits one towards the bottom corner. STANKOVIĆ dives to cover as the ball goes just wide. |
45' | Half time |
51' | BENTALEB passes to GOUIRI. A shot at goal from GOUIRI. STANKOVIĆ dives early and makes a comfortable save. |
52' | SCHLAGER links up with ARNAUTOVIC. ARNAUTOVIC strikes the ball with force. The ball sails past the despairing dive of the keeper and wide of the post. |
54' | BENRAHMA passes to MAHREZ. MAHREZ brings the ball out of the air with his boot. He tries his luck with a dipping shot. STANKOVIĆ dives and saves with both hands. |
56' | ARNAUTOVIC is slightly late with a challenge on BENRAHMA. Yellow Card - The referee takes his time before booking ARNAUTOVIC. |
61' | ARNAUTOVIC passes to Marcel SABITZER. SABITZER manages to get a shot in. GOAL!! - OUKIDJA dives across his goal but he can't reach it. |
67' | SABITZER links up with Christoph BAUMGARTNER. BAUMGARTNER smashes it. The keeper couldn't react in time and he's relived to see the ball goes just wide. |
70' | BENTALEB goes down under the challenge of GRILLITSCH. Yellow Card - The referee books GRILLITSCH. |
84' | SABITZER plays a pass to SCHLAGER. SCHLAGER tries to flick the ball past the keeper with the outside of his foot. The keeper gets down quickly to save the shot. |
85' | BAUMGARTNER links up with ARNAUTOVIC. ARNAUTOVIC tries his luck at goal with a fancy flick. OUKIDJA tips the ball to safety. |
90' | Full time |